Thursday, February 11, 2010

World's Highest Bungee Jump

Pre Jump

The world highest bungee jump is from the Macau Tower and this was also my biggest 'comfort challenge' to date.

I’m better with heights than the average person but throwing yourself off a stupidly high height with just a bungee sounded like madness to me. So much so, I've avoided it for the past twenty years.

From the video you can see I was having trouble with the challenge. At the start of the video, I really couldn't think that well, stay with it though, as the jump is quite funny. I needed two countdowns and I was shaking like mad. The drop is very impressive.


I felt great after and I intended to do another jump the following day but the weather was pretty bad.

I'm glad I did this challenge as it was a difficult one for me. I now have the photos and certificate above my computer. They scream at me "I can do", so if I need to contact an editor for article, I can look at them, and think 'Just do it, I can do anything now'.

My record breaking jump 10/10

Hope you enjoy the video.

Click for video connection

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